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Salve sancta Christi parens (Codex Las Huelgas)

Codex Las Huelgas (s.XII - s.XIV)

Intérpretes/Performers: Alia Mvsica
Salve, santa madre de Cristo,
salve, Virgen libre de mancha,
salve, esplendor de las vírgenes.

Salve, Virgen singular;
como salvada, pares al Salvador
y como esclava pares al Señor.

Virgen, concebiste a Dios,
lo pares, lo amamantas, lo nutres
ofreciéndole con piadoso esmero
el alimento del pan, el agua de la fuente,
como sustento de la vida, la cuna del monte
en el pesebre del buey.

Contra las leyes de la naturaleza,
tú, muy pequeña, de un vientre reducido,
alumbras al Infinito.

El hombre a Dios, la estrella al sol,
la hija al Padre, la virgen a la prole,
la jovencita al anciano.

Abrigando con tu seno al cordero
y al león, al pequeño y al grande,
al Padre y al Hijo,
al que es mortal y eterno,
pues Él mismo es las dos cosas
principio y fin.

Huerto cerrado, fuente sellada,
tierra de la que el fruto nacido
es el alimento de los fieles.

Vástago de Jesé, que muestra la flor
hacia cuyo perfume acude
la asamblea de los santos.

¡Oh! María, estrella del mar,
esperanza y puerto saludable
en el naufragio del mundo.

Tú, que engendras sin conocer varón,
que has sido hecha madre salvadora,
encomiéndanos a tu Hijo. Amén.
Hail, holy mother of Christ,
Hail, Virgin free from stain,
Hail, glory of virgins.

Hail, matchless Virgin;
as one saved, you brought forth our Saviour
and as hand-maiden you brought forth our Lord.

Virgin you conceived God,
you gave him birth you suckled and nourished him,
offering him with devout care
the food of the bread, the water from the well,
as sustenance for life, the cradle of the mountain
in the ox's stable.

Against nature's laws
you, so small, from a slight womb,
lightened the infinite,
the man to God, the star to the sun,
the daughter to the Father, the virgin to the offspring,
the maiden to the old man.

Protecting with your womb the lamb
and the lion, the small and large,
the Father and Son,
that which is mortal and eternal,
for he himself is the two things,
the beginning and the end.

Enclosed garden, sealed fount,
ground from which was born the fruit
your are the food of the faithful.

Rod of Jesse, who proffered the flower
toward whose perfume are drawn
the assembly of the Saints.

Oh Mary, star of the sea,
hope and safe haven
in the shipwreck of the world.

You, who gave birth without knowing man,
who has been made saviour mother
commend us to your Son.

Видео Salve sancta Christi parens (Codex Las Huelgas) канала sh4m69
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13 марта 2015 г. 1:35:49