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Lower Body Strength Workout Demo – Your Exercise Solution (YES)

Increase lower body strength with this workout. Click “Show More” for step-by-step instructions and tips.

Deadlift With Resistance Band
Use a resistance tube or band to work your glutes, hip and leg muscles with this deadlift exercise.
• Holding the ends of a long resistance tube or band in each hand, stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and the tube or band under your feet.
• Moving in a slow, steady motion, lower into a slight squat, then stand up while squeezing your buttocks.
• Repeat 10 to 12 times.

Leg Press With Resistance Band
Work quadriceps, hamstrings and calf muscles with this leg press exercise to strengthen your legs.
• Sitting in a chair with feet flat on the floor hold the ends of a long resistance tube or band with one hand and the center of the tube or band with the other hand.
• Loop the center of the tube or band under one foot, holding the ends at waist level with each hand.
• Bend your knee and raise your thigh slightly so your foot is a few inches off the floor, taking up the slack in the tube or band with your hands.
• Straighten your leg by pushing on the tube or band with your foot and repeat 10 to 12 times with each leg.

Seated Knee Lift With Resistance Band
Strengthen muscles around your hips with this knee lift exercise.
• Sitting in a chair, with knees bent and feet flat on the floor, hold the center of a resistance tube or band with your right hand and the ends with your left hand.
• Loop the center of the tube or band around your right foot and place your left foot over the tube or band. Continue to hold the ends of the band by your side with your left hand.
• Slowly raise your right knee until your right foot is a few inches off the floor.
• Lower your leg and repeat 10 to 12 times with each leg.

Improve your ability to get up from a seated position. Just starting out? Begin with level 1 (the easiest) and slowly progress to level 4 (the hardest).
• Level 1, Hands on Armrests: With feet shoulder-width apart, use the arms of the chair to assist yourself into a standing position. Then slowly lower yourself back into the chair – using the armrests for assistance – and repeat 5 to 10 times.
• Level 2, Hands on Thighs: With feet shoulder-width apart and hands on thighs, push off your thighs to assist yourself into a standing position. Then, using your thighs for assistance, slowly lower yourself into a seated position and repeat 5 to 10 times.
• Level 3, Hands-free: With feet shoulder-width apart and hands in front of you, raise yourself into a standing position. Then slowly lower yourself into a seated position and repeat 5 to 10 times.
• Level 4, Butt Taps: With feet shoulder-width apart and hands in front of you, raise yourself into a standing position. Then slowly lower yourself until you feel your butt tap the seat of the chair, then raise yourself into a standing position and repeat 5 to 10 times.

Side Leg Raise
The side leg raise will strengthen hip abductors, making daily tasks like getting in and out of your car easier.
• Stand facing the back of a chair, holding the back of the chair for balance.
• Tighten your abs and slowly raise your leg straight out to the side until your foot is 3 to 4 inches off the floor.
• Lower your leg and repeat 10 to 12 times with each leg.

Standing Hip Extension
Gain flexibility and strength in hip muscles with the standing hip extension exercise.
• Stand facing the back of a chair, holding the back of the chair for balance.
• Keep abs tight and slowly raise one leg slightly backward, keeping your knee straight until your foot is 3 to 4 inches off the floor.
• Repeat 10 to 12 times with each leg.

Calf Raise
Strengthen calf muscles to ease walking and climbing stairs with the calf raise .
• Stand facing the back of a chair, holding the back of the chair for balance.
• Rise up on your toes with your knees straight and your body tall.
• Pause, then slowly lower down onto your heels and repeat 10 to 12 times.

The Clam
The clam exercise will strengthen the muscles on the outer hip and buttocks.
• Lie on a mat on your side with knees slightly bent and together, resting your head on your bottom arm and stabilizing your body with your top arm.
• Raise your top knee toward the ceiling, keeping your feet together.
• Slowly lower your knee and repeat 10 to 12 times on both sides.

Using Resistance Bands:
• Use a resistance band or tube with foam handles. They’re easier to grip.
• Or add foam pipe insulation to bands or tubes to create handles.
• Handles not an option? Opt for resistance tubes. They’re gentler on hands.
• Resistance tubes and bands come in many lengths and resistance levels. Don’t rely on their color to gauge these factors. Manufacturers use different colors to indicate them.
• Try different ones to find the best fit.
• The last few reps in a set should be difficult, but not impossible.

Check out more YES videos: https://www.arthritis.org/your-exercise-solution.

Видео Lower Body Strength Workout Demo – Your Exercise Solution (YES) канала Arthritis Foundation
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13 сентября 2021 г. 23:13:22