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Shadow Work that will Change Your Life from the Inside Out

How to finally heal your past and inner child (it's a 4 step process). Download my most powerful meditation for healing your inner child here: ➡️ https://www.AaronDoughty.com/child

00:00 Feeling is the healing
00:47 How animals release trauma
02:45 Why we keep attracting similar situations
03:29 Use awareness to your advantage
04:39 Dealing with abandonment
06:49 Dealing with unworthiness and shame
10:04 Dealing with trust issues and control
14:22 The power of feeling
17:33 Feel your inner child
18:18 The 4 step process to healing
20:18 Heal your inner child, link in description!

Feeling is the healing. Can everyone say that? - Normally in the Law of Attraction community and some of like the New Age teachings, it's like…

Oh if I am feeling fear, or if I am feeling shame, I don't wanna feel it because if I feel it, I'm then gonna attract something in my life that's gonna be negative.

Has anyone ever thought that before?

It's like, oh, I don't wanna feel it. Or it's like I just need to think better thoughts and change my focus. Well, you change your focus, all you're doing is suppressing the same emotion that's inside that your body is literally giving you a message that says feel this unintegrated emotion that's caught up inside.

Now, to use this as an analogy, if you think of ducks. I heard Eckhart totally talk about this once. Ducks like in a pond going around. Sometimes they can be territorial and they might get into a little fight.

They'll fight for a minute and then they'll kind of drift back off into their own space, and before they do that, does anybody know what they do? They shake it off.

They spread their wings and they flap it two or three times. And the reason they do that is because they don't want, they don't, they just do it naturally. They don't want to store that
trauma inside of their body.

This actually happened to me when I was in Costa Rica recently. I was walking, we do these plant medicine retreats in Costa Rica and I was walking from one house to another, it's like a big facility, and I was walking along the side.

There was this long, like 10-foot long black snake just slithering right next to me and I was walking and then I saw it and I went, like I went, "Oh, shit," 'cause snakes are like something that I've always kind of been afraid of.

And as soon as I got scared, the the thing coiled up. And then as I was walking away, I went on the grass and I just shook that shit out because I knew that if I didn't, it would kind of, I could just feel it inside my body, that fear of just even seeing a snake.

But if you also, there's a YouTube video online of a polar bear that was tranquilized and it was like tranquilized and after it was tranquilized, it like woke up and it did this violent shaking thing where it was literally just shaking like crazy, almost violently.

And what it was doing is it was shaking out the trauma that it experienced from that going into its body. Animals are naturally in tune with their bodies and they naturally release that energy.

Is that making sense? -

[Audience Member] My dog does that when I yell at him like he like shakes it off. - Yeah, see? Isn't that cool? - [Audience Member] That was what I'm saying.

- We can learn a lot from our dogs, you know. They naturally do it. It's what we do is we get caught up in our stories.

We get caught up in our stories. Oh, I shouldn't be feeling this way. I shouldn't be afraid of snakes. I shouldn't do this, I shouldn't do that.

And then we create a thought loop in our mind that keeps within it the pattern that keeps attracting similar situations and the similar situations on the outside are simply a trigger for making something that is subconscious conscious.

Does that make sense? That's all it is. So you can look at somebody else, maybe somebody that's overstepping your boundaries, and the only reason someone really oversteps your boundaries is 'cause you haven't established yours.

So you can say, "Oh, they're the problem." But in actuality, that just hasn't been set. You haven't energetically set those boundaries. So with this, one thing that really allows all this to come in and think of it like this.

In the light of awareness, you allow this energy to come up to then be cleared. The light of the awareness is shining light on the shadows and that's what the shadow is. The shadow kind of in a way is just our body and its process of integrating past emotion.

Does that make sense? So you're shining light and the light of awareness you become aware of these triggers and why you feel a certain way. So the body is the shadow. The triggers are not bad.

The triggers are messengers. Can you guys say that? Triggers our messengers. - [Audience] Triggers are messengers.

Triggers our messengers to something that is trying to reveal to you. When you look at fear, if you're afraid, when I was first getting on YouTube, I was afraid to put out a YouTube video, afraid of what other people would think of me.

Видео Shadow Work that will Change Your Life from the Inside Out канала Aaron Doughty
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