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2021-01-24 主日訊息 Sunday Sermon

要為逼迫你的人祝福 Bless Those Who Persecute You
主講 Speaker:吳美麗 牧師 Pastor Meili Teller

✝️主題經文 Bible Scriptures
— 箴言 Proverbs 26: 2
— 馬太福音 Matthew 5: 44-46
— 羅馬書 Romans 12: 14
— 尼希米記 Nehemiah 13: 1-2
— 路加福音 Luke 6: 27-28
— 申命記 Deuteronomy 28: 1-2
— 申命記 Deuteronomy 28: 15
— 瑪拉基書 Malachi 3: 8-10
— 申命記 Deuteronomy 30: 19
— 加拉太書 Galatians 3: 13-14

📣前言 – 無故的咒詛 Introduction – an undeserved curse

一、你與無形的影子爭戰 You are in an immaterial spiritual war

二、咒詛的真義 True meaning of a curse

三、咒詛的原由 The causes of curse
👉a) 拜偶像 Idol worshiping
👉b) 偷竊、搶奪 Stealing and plundering
👉c) 審判 Judging

四、咒詛的跡象 The signs of curse
👉a) 精神崩潰 Mental breakdown
👉b) 重覆性疾病、慢性病 Repetitive sickness or chronic illness
👉c) 不孕、習慣性流產 Sterility or multiple miscarriages
👉d) 婚姻破碎、家庭疏離 Broken marriage or estranged family
👉e) 經濟持續入不敷出 Income falls constantly short of expenditure
👉f) 常出意外 Runs into accident often
👉g) 自殺、早逝 Suicide or premature death

五、破除咒詛的禱告 Prayers to break the curse
👉a) 因祂刑罰,得赦免 He was punished so I am forgiven
👉b) 祂的鞭傷,得醫治 He was wounded so I am healed
👉c) 祂代替我們的罪 He has taken away my sin
👉d) 因祂死,我們活 He was crucified so I can live
👉e) 因祂貧窮,得富足 He became poor so I am rich
👉f) 祂擔羞辱,得榮耀 He took the shame so I live in glory
👉g) 祂忍受拒絕,被接納 He was rejected so I am accepted

Видео 2021-01-24 主日訊息 Sunday Sermon канала 新生命國際教會–New Life ICF
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