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海南雞飯3Hainan Chicken 皮爽肉嫩 😋自製雞油👍自製醬料

⬇⬇English recipe follows⬇⬇


1. 取出及保留雞膏做雞油飯。
2. 用鹽乸雞1小時,沖洗乾淨鹽分。
3. 煲1煲滾水,手揸住頸以上位置,浸雞入煲內滾水,拿起雞,重覆這個動作2至3次,然後整隻雞浸入滾水中。
4. 蒜頭去皮切碎。薑去皮磨蓉,揸出薑汁,薑碎備用。辣椒切粒,加入少許蒜蓉。蔥洗淨,切粒,放入碗中,加入少許鹽。
5. 此時雞已用最慢火浸了半小時,轉回大火至滾起,熄火,冚蓋,焗5分鐘。
6. 預備一大碗冰水。
7. 打開煲蓋,嗅一下有否雞的香味,如果有,表示雞已熟透。
8. 拿起雞,即時放入冰水,浸半小時。
9. 燒熱2湯匙油,灒入薑蔥蓉。
10. 加入2湯匙豉油入鑊中,再加入1茶匙糖煮溶,放在碗中。
11. 燒熱1湯匙油,灒入蒜蓉辣椒,加入1/2茶匙糖及2湯匙青檸汁,攪勻。

1. 放雞膏落鑊炸油,炸出雞油,棄掉雞膏。
2. 放蒜蓉入雞油落鑊,加入白米炒香。
3. 放(2)入電飯煲,加入薑汁及2湯匙糖及雞湯,但要記得不要加入太多雞湯。
4. 開始煮飯,直至程序完成。

Hainan chicken rice:

Frozen Chicken 1 No.
Plain rice

1. Take out and retain fat from chicken making rice with chicken oil.
2. Season chicken with salt for 1 hour, then rinse thoroughly.
3. Boil up a pot of water, hold neck of chicken, soak chicken, then lift up chicken. Repeat 2 to 3 times. Then totally immerse chicken into boiled water.
Chicken with 2 1/2 catty or less, soak in hot water at low flame for 30 minutes. Chicken with 2 1/2 catty or above, soak in hot water at low flame for 40 minutes.
4. Peel and chop garlics well. Peel and mash ginger, squeeze ginger juice, and ginger get ready for use. Dice red chili, mix with little garlic sauce. Rinse and dice green onion put in a bowl, then mix with little salt.
5. Chicken has been soaked at low flame for 1/2 hour, turn to high flame until water is totally boiled up, turn off fire, keep the lid shut for 5 minutes.
6. Prepare a big bowl of iced water.
7. Check the flavour once you lift up the lid. If there is, that means chicken is cooked well.
8. Take out chicken. Immerse into iced water immediately, soak for 1/2 hour.
9. Heat up 2 tbsp oil, pour into the mixture of ginger and green onion.
10. Heat up 2 tbsp light soya sauce with 1 tsp sugar in wok until sugar has been totally melted. Put into a bowl.,
11. Heat up 1 tbsp oil, pour direct into the mixture of garlic sauce and chili, mix well with 1/2 tsp sugar and 2 tbsp of lime juice.

1. Put chicken fat in plain wok at medium flame. Wait for oil has been released from it. Dispose chicken fat then.
2. Add garlic sauce into chiken oil in wok, put plain rice and fry well.
3. Put (2) into rice cooker, add ginger sauce, 2 tbsp sugar and chicken broth, do not put too much broth in cooking rice.
4. Start cooking rice, until steps completed. Serve.

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