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You Were Created with Purpose

You Were Created with Purpose
Only the fool says in his heart that there is no God and everything here happened by chance.  You don’t have to look hard or long to see that the stamp of God is on ALL of His creation, NOTHING happened by chance.  Take for example a horse.  From a distance a horse looks natural, (uncomplicated) you may not understand how a horse works, but I want to speak about one specific thing about a horse, and that is the fluid in his joints.  If you were to take that fluid out of his joints, called synovial fluid and hold it in your hand it would be soft and squishy, you could move it with your own hand, but if you were to take that same fluid and put it on top of a rock and smash it with a hammer it would change its viscosity and immediately it would become hard.  This is to allow a horse to become comfortable while he is standing, but while he starts to run, to be able to take the impact in his joints of all the weight of the horse in movement.  God designed horses and all other animals to be able to function all by a specific design.  God put systems in place.  Everything is created with a purpose, and the more specifically you look at any subject, the closer you examine it, the more you see all the specific attributes, all these nuances to it.  We can tell easily the difference between an expensive nice car and a cheep car, a nice bike and a cheep bike.  Maybe if you have never looked at a bike or never rode a bike before you couldn’t tell the difference.  But for anyone that has, you can tell a cheap Walmart bike from a really good Specialized bike or some kind of bike that was a few thousand dollars.  The same with anything in creation, you can tell if you look more specifically at it, that it didn’t just happen by chance, there was a Creator who created it with a VERY specific reason and purpose.  All of us are created with a specific reason and purpose, and that purpose comes down to ONE WORD, WHICH IS LOVE!  We are to love the Lord our God with all our heart, all our soul, all our mind and all our strength.  And we are also to love our neighbor as ourselves.  Are we living for the LOVE that God has created us for?  Or are we living for the love of OURSELVES, our own pleasure, our own purpose?  The only way to enter into everlasting life is to become the people who GOD CREATED US TO BE!  There is a specific design and purpose for every single one of us, and unless we ask our Creator what our purpose is and what we should be doing, we will not be walking that specific path.  He has designed us with the ability to be able to PRAY.  The same God who made our physicality also made our spiritual beings, and He designed us to be able to pray and be able to hear the LORD OUR GOD when we pray.  We need to pray and ask God for the ears of our conscience to be opened, that when we pray we may hear Him and be able to follow His direction.  So, I encourage you to PRAY, speak directly to Jesus because Jesus Christ is ALIVE, He created YOU, He created YOU to hear from HIS HOLY SPIRIT!  Ask Him for ears that hear and eyes that see!  Ask to be able to see Him in everything and hear Him in everything, that you may be led by the GOD THAT LOVES YOU!  May the grace of Jesus be with you. 

Видео You Were Created with Purpose канала WarningThePeople
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21 июня 2022 г. 19:46:22