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Pilgrimage to the Upper Room or Cenacle

Cenacle or Upper Room
Cenacle or Upper Room is known as place where Holy Spirit descent upon Mary and the apostles, Pentecost. It is also the place where the Jesus washed the feet of his disciples, celebrated the Last Supper before he was crucified and died.
Location: Old Walled City of Jerusalem
Description of Site:
The Cenacle room on Mt Zion in Jerusalem is where two major events in the early Christian Church are commemorated: The Last Supper and the coming of the Holy Spirit on the apostles.
• The Last Supper was the meal Jesus shared with his apostles the night before he died. During this meal he instituted the Eucharist.
• The coming of the Holy Spirit, at Pentecost is recognized as marking the birth of the Christian Church.
The Cenacle is on the upper floor of a two-story building, south of the Zion Gate in the walls of Jerusalem’s Old City.

For more detailed information, please visit the website of seetheholyland.net

Information and Prayer:
We visited this holy place and took pictures and made them into a video with scripture-based music done by gifted instrumentalists. We designed them for special moments of reflection for anyone who had travel to this holy place in the past that they may reminisce their visit or for those who are planning to visit in the future. “To walk where Jesus, Joseph and Mary had walked”. We hope that those who are unable to travel due to medical and personal reasons, as pray that as you spend time watching this video, may you feel the same presence of Jesus that we all felt.

Bible Verse:
The Coming of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:1-4)
2 When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place. 2 And suddenly from heaven there came a sound like the rush of a violent wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. 3 Divided tongues, as of fire, appeared among them, and a tongue rested on each of them. 4 All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages, as the Spirit gave them ability.

Видео Pilgrimage to the Upper Room or Cenacle канала thelivingbreadcrumbs - worship journey
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6 июня 2022 г. 2:29:33