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Why Negotiations Fail | Nick Coburn-Palo | TEDxTaipeiAmericanSchool

Before becoming a teacher at Taipei American School, Dr. Coburn-Palo served as a consulting negotiation trainer for diplomats on behalf of the United Nations institute for Training and Research (UNITAR). This has provided him with more than enough experience as an expert negotiator. Able to debate his way through almost any topic, Dr. Coburn-Palo offers some helpful tips and tricks to talk your way through any and every situation.

Dr. Nick Coburn-Palo is a Teacher and Coach of the Debate Team at the Taipai American School. In addition to his over twenty years of classroom teaching experience at both the high school and university level, he has previously served as a Program Dean for International Security Studies at Yale University and earned his Ph.D in Political Science from Brown University. For the past five years he has worked as a consulting negotiation trainer for diplomats on behalf of the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR). During this time, Dr. Coburn-Palo has worked with hundreds of diplomats on projects including the following: Featured Lecturer at the African Union Ambassador-level summit to prepare for the Rio+20 Global Conference on Sustainable Development, Trainer for the incoming South African Security Council delegation's speech writing staff, and Instructor for the cutting edge UNITAR on-line course for diplomats on Negotiation Strategies.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at http://ted.com/tedx

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