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Don’t let your stressful day become your family’s nightmare | Mitch Brooks | TEDxGrandJunction

Seth shares a powerful tale of survival and the birth of an outdoor apparel brand. Mitch is a retired firefighter and paramedic for the S.W.A.T. team in Baltimore, as well as a Navy veteran. He taught at the Baltimore City Fire Academy and currently delivers four lectures a week to 30-40 first responders at Harbor of Grace National Wellness Center. As a keynote speaker he addresses topics like resiliency and substance abuse among first responders. A devoted husband and father of three daughters in their 20s, Mitch enjoys kayaking, watching movies with his wife Michelle, spending quality time with his daughters, sharing coffee with friends, and humorously battling his sugar cravings—he considers Ben and Jerry his ultimate foes! This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx

Видео Don’t let your stressful day become your family’s nightmare | Mitch Brooks | TEDxGrandJunction канала TEDx Talks
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