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純手工鮮奶刀切饅頭 超詳細講解揉麵 新手必看 How to make steamed milk mantou/bun by hand

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中筋麵粉 plain flour 150g
酵母 instant yeast 1g
鮮奶 flesh milk 80g
白砂糖(非必需) granulated sugar(not necessary) 10g
全脂奶粉(非必需) whole milk powder (not necessary) 10g
玉米油(非必需) corn oil (not necessary) 5g

1. 將所有材料倒入,並混合均匀。
Put the ingredients into the bowl, stir and mix well
2. 牛奶緩慢加入,邊倒邊攪拌,直到沒有乾粉就停止加入牛奶。
Stir with a spatula while adding the milk slowing, until you don't see any dry flour
3. 揉至成團后,蓋好麵糰,休息5分鐘,給點時間讓麵粉和水分融合。
Rest for 5 mins to develop the gluten
4. 身體前傾,用身體的力量和用掌根來揉麵。
Keep your weight forward, and use the heel of hand to knead the dough
5. 第一個動作像搓衣服一樣,將麵粉團搓出去,再收回來,重複動作。
1st kneading technique : knead the dough as if you're washing clothes with a back and forth motion
6. 第二個動作,右手按壓,左手將麵糰由外向内折,重複動作。
2nd kneading technique: right hand press and push, left hand fold and turn the dough a little bit, use your body weight to push the dough into itself
7. 可一直用一個動作,或兩個動作交替揉,一直揉到表面光滑,並向内折時沒有裂痕才算揉好。
Knead and turn the dough to very smooth and silky
8. 用擀麵棒從中間,分別向兩頭擀,將氣泡擀出來并擀成長方形,摺疊再擀開。重複3次。
Use the rolling pin to roll the dough from the middle to the top then to the bottom, make sure to roll out all the air bubble, and roll the dough into a rectangular shape. Repeat 3 times
9. 將光滑面朝下,薄凃一層牛奶,捲起,每一個卷都要按實,以免卷進空氣。
Place the dough smooth side down, use a pastry brush to brush a thin layer of milk on the dough, slowly roll it up ,and roll it tight, and make it into cylinder shape
Cut the dough into 2 or 3 fingers width each
11. 均匀排開,每個饅頭閒預留一些空位,蓋好蓋子發酵。
Put them on wax paper, transfer them into steamer, cover the lid and let it ferment
12. 發酵到體積變成原來2倍大,拿在手上饅頭有變輕了的感覺,輕輕按壓會緩慢回彈就是發酵好。
Around 1.5hrs, when the dough becomes double in size, after the dough fermented perfectly, it's like a marshmallow when you touch it
13. 冷水下鍋,大火開始蒸,到上汽后,轉中大火,再蒸15分鐘,全程共蒸約20分鐘。
Start from cold water with high heat, when you see the steam comes out from the steamer, turn to mid-high heat for another 15mins
14. 蒸好后,約5分鐘后才開蓋。
Wait about 5 mins before you open the lid once you turn off the heat

Видео 純手工鮮奶刀切饅頭 超詳細講解揉麵 新手必看 How to make steamed milk mantou/bun by hand канала Lois小煮意 Lois Kitchen
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3 апреля 2020 г. 22:43:55