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Corn Soup: A guide to this traditional recipe, by a chef and a knowledge keeper

The making of traditional corn soup is knowledge that has been passed down through multiple generations of the Six Nations of the Grand River in Ontario.

For Karl Docksteader, making the soup represents a chance for his old life as a Red Seal Chef and new life as a community leader to come together.

He, along with Edgar Ahosenae, a knowledge keeper, work together to create this soup using the traditional methods.

As we learn about the soup and how it’s made, we also learn about how the process is deeply rooted in the culture. From the way the corn is harvested, to the way hardwood ashes are used as part of the process, to the way the soup is distributed to the elders of the community as an acknowledgement of the work they do. All from a humble bowl of corn soup.

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Видео Corn Soup: A guide to this traditional recipe, by a chef and a knowledge keeper канала CBC Docs
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