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Pleural Effusion Explained: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment
Pleural effusion therefore implies a situation whereby too much fluid has accumulated in the chest cavity, or known by its fuller name as the pleural cavity. This additional quantity of fluid results in constriction of lung sac including breathing issue and chest pain. In the next section where we talk about the various treatment possibilities for pleural effusion we will also include some brief general facts about its causes, symptoms and diagnosis so that the reader is familiar with this condition.+
Pleural effusion occurs when there is formation of fluid in the pleural cavity, the regions between the lungs and the rib cage or the sternum. Usually, this space contains a small amount of fluid through which lungs glide effortlessly, but at times, the amount of this fluid rises excessively.
Pleural effusion occurs when there is formation of fluid in the pleural cavity, the regions between the lungs and the rib cage or the sternum. Usually, this space contains a small amount of fluid through which lungs glide effortlessly, but at times, the amount of this fluid rises excessively.
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