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Standard Barcode Software
Bulk Barcode Labelling Application helps the organizations to increase their productivity and growth. Generated Barcode Labels can be used in various Windows Applications like MS Word, Excel and Paint. User can create the standard barcode labels by using the following steps -
Step 1: Create a new barcode label by clicking on new option in quick barcode mode or barcode designing view mode.
Step 2: Change the various details of the barcode label like barcode value, barcode header text and footer text, number of symbols, error correction level, header and footer alignment etc.
Step 3: Customize the barcode labels with various fonts, colors, shapes, gradients and others.
Step 4: To modify the design of the standard barcode labels, use various designing tools like text, signature, pictures, custom shapes, label background, watermarks etc.
Step 5: Create multiple copies of the labels with different barcodes and text values with the help of batch processing series feature provided by the software.
Step 6(i): To generate bulk barcode labels, create a new excel file or text file containing different barcodes and text values, import it in the current data sheet and multiple copies of different barcode labels will be generated.
Step 7: Save the customized standard barcode label images in various file formats like jpeg, tiff, bitmap, PNG, WMF, EMF, EXIF and GIF.
Step 8: Print multiple barcode labels at a single time by using the advanced print option provided by the software.
Highlighted Features:
Create the barcode labels in linear and 2d barcode font standards.
Use Batch Processing series feature to generate multiple labels with different barcodes and text values.
Flexible print settings help the user to print multiple barcode labels on a single sheet of paper.
Generate multiple barcode labels with the help of random, sequential and constant value series generating options.
Software supports various file formats like jpeg, bitmap, tiff etc. to save the barcode label images.
Software Link: Barcode label software - Standard edition design labels sticker program (pricelabelsoftware.com)
Download Link: https://www.pricelabelsoftware.com/downloads/barcode-maker-demo.exe
Step 1: Create a new barcode label by clicking on new option in quick barcode mode or barcode designing view mode.
Step 2: Change the various details of the barcode label like barcode value, barcode header text and footer text, number of symbols, error correction level, header and footer alignment etc.
Step 3: Customize the barcode labels with various fonts, colors, shapes, gradients and others.
Step 4: To modify the design of the standard barcode labels, use various designing tools like text, signature, pictures, custom shapes, label background, watermarks etc.
Step 5: Create multiple copies of the labels with different barcodes and text values with the help of batch processing series feature provided by the software.
Step 6(i): To generate bulk barcode labels, create a new excel file or text file containing different barcodes and text values, import it in the current data sheet and multiple copies of different barcode labels will be generated.
Step 7: Save the customized standard barcode label images in various file formats like jpeg, tiff, bitmap, PNG, WMF, EMF, EXIF and GIF.
Step 8: Print multiple barcode labels at a single time by using the advanced print option provided by the software.
Highlighted Features:
Create the barcode labels in linear and 2d barcode font standards.
Use Batch Processing series feature to generate multiple labels with different barcodes and text values.
Flexible print settings help the user to print multiple barcode labels on a single sheet of paper.
Generate multiple barcode labels with the help of random, sequential and constant value series generating options.
Software supports various file formats like jpeg, bitmap, tiff etc. to save the barcode label images.
Software Link: Barcode label software - Standard edition design labels sticker program (pricelabelsoftware.com)
Download Link: https://www.pricelabelsoftware.com/downloads/barcode-maker-demo.exe
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