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Tribon - как работать с Design Manager (Шолька, альтернативная версия)Tribon - как работать с Design Manager (Шолька, альтернативная версия)3 - Units and Numeric Input - 3 -Numeric Input for Transformations3 - Units and Numeric Input - 3 -Numeric Input for Transformations4 - Extrude Modes for Precise Modeling - 7 -Mesh Operations (JOIN and SEPARATE)4 - Extrude Modes for Precise Modeling - 7 -Mesh Operations (JOIN and SEPARATE)3 - Units and Numeric Input - 2 -Updating Units with Suffixes3 - Units and Numeric Input - 2 -Updating Units with Suffixes5 - CAD-like Modeling Tools - 5 -Additional resources for Trim and Extend5 - CAD-like Modeling Tools - 5 -Additional resources for Trim and Extend5 - CAD-like Modeling Tools - 5 -Additional resources for Trim and Extend5 - CAD-like Modeling Tools - 5 -Additional resources for Trim and ExtendTribon - Основные функции Pipe modeling (Петренко)Tribon - Основные функции Pipe modeling (Петренко)3 - Units and Numeric Input - 1 -Unit Settings for Modeling (Metric and Imperial)3 - Units and Numeric Input - 1 -Unit Settings for Modeling (Metric and Imperial)4 - Extrude Modes for Precise Modeling - 1 -Edit Mode for Precise Modeling4 - Extrude Modes for Precise Modeling - 1 -Edit Mode for Precise ModelingTribon - оформление видов для чертежа, MenuPro, масштабирование в автокад (Шишкарев)Tribon - оформление видов для чертежа, MenuPro, масштабирование в автокад (Шишкарев)5 - CAD-like Modeling Tools - 1 -Installing the PDT Add-on5 - CAD-like Modeling Tools - 1 -Installing the PDT Add-onTribon - как чистить базу данных от старых чертежей (Шишкарев)Tribon - как чистить базу данных от старых чертежей (Шишкарев)5 - CAD-like Modeling Tools - 1 -Installing the PDT Add-on5 - CAD-like Modeling Tools - 1 -Installing the PDT Add-on3 - Units and Numeric Input - 5 -Snaps for 3D Modeling3 - Units and Numeric Input - 5 -Snaps for 3D ModelingДЯТЛЫДЯТЛЫ4 - Extrude Modes for Precise Modeling - 3 -Types of Extrudes for Technical Modeling4 - Extrude Modes for Precise Modeling - 3 -Types of Extrudes for Technical Modeling2 - Creating Objects and Transformations - 3 -Pivot Points for Transformations2 - Creating Objects and Transformations - 3 -Pivot Points for Transformations5 - CAD-like Modeling Tools - 3 -Using the Fillet and Chamfer5 - CAD-like Modeling Tools - 3 -Using the Fillet and ChamferTribon - как смотреть номер позиции трубы в Design Manager и в OutfitingTribon - как смотреть номер позиции трубы в Design Manager и в Outfiting4 - Extrude Modes for Precise Modeling - 5 -Creating like a CAD tool with Extra Objects4 - Extrude Modes for Precise Modeling - 5 -Creating like a CAD tool with Extra Objects
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