Tea Leaf Green - Shelter
"Shelter" from the new album "Destination Bound", available 4/24/20.
Video by Josh Clark.
Trevor Garrod - Keyboards, Songwriter
Josh Clark - Guitar
Scott Rager - Drums
Eric DiBerardino - Bass
Kevin Friedrichsen - Producer
(C) 2020 Greenhouse Records
Everyone needs shelter
From the wind or hot sun
A place to sleep while darkness
Screeches like a barn owl
Or when the sky is fed up
Wants to wash away our wicked ways
Everyone needs shelter
A little place to hide away
Where your worries are ignored
Leave your boots outside the door
And your baby’s arms are warm
No one asked to be born
No one’s given any choice
You may have a silver spoon
Or be singing with a golden voice
But there are places in the world
Where the luck’s already gone
What good is luck if you don’t have
Anything to bet it on
And your worries never cease
You’re burdened like a beast
And you don’t know what it means
To get what you need
The tyranny of stupid man
Can cut the hearts from countless calls
The rest of us will cheer and swear
There was nothing really there at all
But if you join a caravan
Cross the desert, free yourself
Who can blame the weary hands
That cut the chains that hold them down
You set your worries down
Finally homeward bound
And your baby’s love is found
Where your worries are ignored…
Видео Tea Leaf Green - Shelter автора Bartending with Tea
Видео Tea Leaf Green - Shelter автора Bartending with Tea
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