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The "ULTIMATE" Lotus Combo list! | Pioneer League - 06/02/21

Bryant Cook plays the "ULTIMATE" Lotus Combo list in a Pioneer League on Magic: The Gathering Online! Lotus Combo is a deck named after its namesake — Lotus Field. Which we're looking to pair with Thespian's Stage to copy the Lotus Field. Once we have a pair of Lotus Lands, we use effects such as Hidden Strings and Pore Over the Pages to create mana. Eventually, we cast either Fae of Wishes or Mastermind's Acquisition for Approach of the Second Sun to win the game. In this specific list, we're abusing the power behind Ikoria: Lair of Behemoths all-star, Emergent Ultimatum, to win the game with only seven mana floating. From there, you select Peer into the Abyss, Omniscience, and then one of three options: Pore Over the Pages, Dig Through Time, or Baral, Chief of Compliance given the context of your hand. The deck list in the video is not my own, that said, I made a slight modification to the list to include Alpine Moon for all of the other Lotus Field decks in the metagame. We hope you enjoy this video! If you do, please don't forget to subscribe, like, and comment! //---------- Decklist ----------// ✎ https://www.mtggoldfish.com/deck/4035932#online ⚡ Deck Tech — 00:00 //---------- Matches ---------// Round 1 vs. Vizier with Orzhov Auras — 00:05:05 Round 2 vs. claudioh with Niv to Light — 00:11:22 Round 3 vs. GutsMTG with BUG "Dredge" — 00:23:22 Round 4 vs. forenmagra with BUG Haste Midrange — 00:42:42 Round 5 vs. forenmagra with BUG Haste Midrange — 01:00:37 //------- Social Links -------// ◉ Website: https://theepicstorm.com/ ◉ Facebook: https://facebook.com/groups/mtgtheepicstorm/ ◉ Twitter: https://twitter.com/mtgtheepicstorm ◉ Twitch: https://twitch.tv/mtgtheepicstorm ◉ Discord: https://discord.gg/ARxKtQX ◉ Reddit: https://reddit.com/r/theepicstorm/ ◉ Podcast: https://theeternalglorypodcast.com/ //-------- Resources --------// ► Want me to play your deck!?! https://theepicstorm.com/donation-decks/ ► If you would like to show your appreciation of this video: https://theepicstorm.com/shop/ ► Level-up your game with a tutoring session: https://theepicstorm.com/tutoring/ ► Interested in playing The EPIC Storm? https://theepicstorm.com/deck-resources/beginners-guide-to-tes/ ► Sign-up for our monthly newsletter! https://theepicstorm.com/#mailing-list-section #MagictheGathering #MTGPioneer #LotusCombo

Видео The "ULTIMATE" Lotus Combo list! | Pioneer League - 06/02/21 автора Скрытые секреты природы
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