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Red Hot Chili Peppers - Detroit [Instrumental Mix]

NEW INSTRUMENTALS! Almost officially sourced! No vocals/backing vocals on the mix.Notes: I don't know how this guy got it. Seems to be an early rough mix so no AI process was made in any way! The previous "instrumental-ized" playlist was set as "not listed" but you can stil check it out here! https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLH8ngoq9NHlm8mEqYwtueQK4kfBHZSrwH Of course MANY thanks to @rhcplivearchive who got his hands on Kaly, Outer Space and these gems! If you like all the deep RHCP stuff related, he's your guy.

Видео Red Hot Chili Peppers - Detroit [Instrumental Mix] автора vanity69
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