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Agnetha (ABBA) - Every Good Man - Demo of Chess song “Heaven Help My Heart” January 1983 [AJLT001]

Agnetha (ABBA) - Every Good Man Demo of Chess song “Heaven Help My Heart” January 1983 In 1983 Agnetha lent her vocals to this demo track that eventually ended up in the Benny & Bjorn musical “Chess” as the song “Heaven Help My Heart.” I took this track from the “We Owed You One” bootleg CD. The original audio has a very harsh equalisation which has easily fixed by HarBal. I also added some SHEPPi stereo effect to the mono audio. More information about this track can be found here – http://www.abbaomnibus.net/songs/titles/everygoodmanneedsahelpinghand.htm More information here - http://abbajustlikethat.comyr.com/1_23_ABBA-Rarities-AJLT001.html

Видео Agnetha (ABBA) - Every Good Man - Demo of Chess song “Heaven Help My Heart” January 1983 [AJLT001] автора Биатлонный Блеск
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