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Jo Rhodes | Nanopore Sequencing of a Pathogenic Fungi Outbreak in a UK Hospital

Fungal infections are a serious threat to human health and responsible for the death of one million people annually, particularly deadly to those with a weakened immune system. Added to which, resistance to anti-fungal medication is on the rise. Following a fungal outbreak in an intensive care unit, Jo Rhodes was approached by clinicians to investigate and identify the outbreak and source. In her talk Jo shares how the long reads from nanopore sequencing enabled the creation of a “gold standard” reference genome and helped: -the rapid response in species identification -to place the outbreak into a global context and find the origin Flongle, GridION, MinION, MinIT, PromethION, and VolTRAX are currently for research use only.

Видео Jo Rhodes | Nanopore Sequencing of a Pathogenic Fungi Outbreak in a UK Hospital автора European Auto Dreams and Fantasies
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