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Catch and Release a Rat

Why not kill the vermin that made a home in the rafters of our shed and the crawl space of our house? Well, one rat is not going to prevent the intrusion of rodents in the future. Instead, we need to put our energy into eliminating all entry points and access to food, water and shelter by determined rodents in our yard and house. And our experience with the capture and release of this rat taught us a lot about its nocturnal activities, and the vulnerability of the crawl space access hatch. Who would have thought that the wildlife here in Sequim, Washington would keep us as busy and entertained as in West Virginia! It's a constant battle to keep the deer from eating our plants and flowers, the raccoons from eating our apples and plums, the moles from undermining our lawn, plants and patio blocks, and the rats from gnawing and nesting in our shed and house. Inevitably, this battle will be won by the creatures of earth. But, as long as we are capable, we will continue fighting this battle so that we can enjoy our small but comfortable retirement home, and our amazing park-like yard and gardens in Sequim.

Видео Catch and Release a Rat автора Animal Appreciation
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