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Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on the secret CDC meeting about the rise of autism from vaccinations

"So they looked at one vaccine, which is the hepatitis B vaccine. They looked at kids who had gotten it in the first 30 days, and then they looked at kids who had not gotten it in 30 days. In other words, kids who got it later or didn't get it at all. And they compared these two groups. And among the kids who got it in the first 30 days, there was a... I think it was a 10,000% increased risk for a later subsequent autism diagnosis if you got in the first 30 days. They immediately knew what was causing it. It was 11.35%. So it's 1,135% increased risk. So they knew immediately, it's called a relative risk of 11.35. If you have a relative risk of two, causation is presumed. This was 11.35. The link between cigarettes, smoking a pack of cigarettes a day for 20 years and getting lung cancer is a relative risk of 10. This was 11.35. So they knew what it was, and then they had an emergency meeting that they called. They didn't want to do it on CDC campus because they thought it would be susceptible to freedom of information requests. So they did it in a very, in this remote retreat center called Simpsonwood, which is a Methodist retreat center on the wooded banks of the Chattahoochee River in a remote part of Georgia. And they had all of the big panjarums from the vaccine industry, from the pharmaceutical industry, from the universities, who are the ones who test the vaccines, from NIH, CDC, FDA, the World Health Organization, the European Medical Agency, and they all got together for two days to talk about this study. The first day, they were all... Somebody made a transcript of it. And that transcript was given to me. And I published excerpts from it. But the first day, they're all talking about, oh my God, the lawyers are going to come after us. Nobody can deny this. This is bulletproof. There's no way to argue with this. This is real science. We can't, what are we going to do? The second day, they spent talking about how to hide it from the American public. And I published these things. Then I took a lot of heat at that point."

Видео Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on the secret CDC meeting about the rise of autism from vaccinations автора Bulgarian insider
23 сентября 2024 г. 11:36:28
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