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Dell Technologies announces the 2021 gaming and consumer PC portfolio: Travis North Cryotech

Ahead of the festive season, Dell Technologies in India today launched the new consumer PC portfolio. Building upon a 25-year legacy of pioneering gaming PCs widely celebrated for their aggressive form factors, iconic design, and impressive performance, the Alienware family is now stronger with the Alienware X-Series. The new line up comprises Alienware’s thinnest ever laptops that introduces a suite of new thermal technologies to balance power and style. Leveling up with Alienware’s goodness, the latest Dell G15 series is designed for gamers with improved thermals and high-performance features. Further enhancing the XPS experience, the new XPS 15 and XPS 17 are upgraded with the latest performance specs for all the juice creators need and more. Follow Us On :- https://www.facebook.com/VARINDIAMagazine/ https://twitter.com/varindiamag https://www.instagram.com/varindia/ https://www.linkedin.com/company/14636899/admin/ https://in.pinterest.com/varindia/? https://varindia.tumblr.com/? Visit on https://varindia.com/ to know more Labels & Copyrights :- VARINDIA

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