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Research and innovation talk 2: Migration and Mobilities

Engaging with civil society in collaborative research and innovation! The Emerging Research Niche in Migration and Mobilities in the Office of the DVC- Research and Innovation did host a satellite event at University of the Western Cape to discuss and seek new avenues for academic and civil society collaboration, fostering research and engagement regarding challenges of migrants and migration related issues in Cape Town. After the event Mathias Persson did an interview with: Prof. Mulugeta F. Dinbabo – University of Western Cape Father Filippo Ferraro – Scalabrinicapetown Prof. Daniel Tevera – University of Western Cape Prof. Gabriel Tati – University of Western Cape Pro-Vice Chancellor Cecilia Christersson – Malmö University

Видео Research and innovation talk 2: Migration and Mobilities автора Beak-Bending Bonanzas
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