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The web of time (Паутина времени) - Galkin Sergei.

A sympho-power metal song about King Robert the Bruce of Scotland and his struggle for independence. Песня в стиле sympho-power метал , о Короле Шотландии Роберте Брюсе и его борьбе за независимость. As Bruce became discouraged, but saw a spider, despite repeatedly breaking his web, start to pull it again and again, and as a result successfully completed his web. This gave Bruce new mental strength in his military endeavour. sympho-power metal song about King Robert the Bruce of Scotland and his struggle for independence. Bruce is associated with a famous Scottish legend, according to which, one day after a series of military failure С Брюсом связана известная шотландская легенда, согласно которой, однажды после серии военных неудач Брюс пал духом, но увидел паука, несмотря на неоднократно обрывавшуюся паутину, снова и снова начинавшего тянуть её, и в результате успешно завершившего свою сеть. Это придало Брюсу новые душевные силы в его военном деле. As Bruce became discouraged, but saw a spider, despite repeatedly breaking his web, start to pull it again and again, and as a result successfully completed his web. This gave Bruce new mental strength in his military endeavour. sympho-power metal song about King Robert the Bruce of Scotland and his struggle for independence. Bruce is associated with a famous Scottish legend, according to which, one day after a series of military failure #epicmetal #symphonicmetal , #rock, #metal , #music, #Музыка, #Рок #средневековье #medieval #history #symphonicpowermetal #metalmusic #nigthwish #метал #тяжелаямузыка #симфоникметал #симфометал #рок #тяжелыйрок #Powermetal #эпическийметал #Udio #music #guitar #musica #musician #artist #metalhead #song #heavymetal #РобертБрюс #КрисПайн #ChrisPine

Видео The web of time (Паутина времени) - Galkin Sergei. автора Историческая Рок Музыка
27 августа 2024 г. 9:31:34