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Building VAN's RV-10 Airplane: Tools for builder

RV-10 Build by Vlad - Tools I use to build my RV-10 Airplane. I will be glad to hear your comments about which other tools I may need for my build. Subscribe to our Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vicxray/ My VAN's Builder Number: 42078 ========================================================================== About this channel: This channel is dedicated to aviation, avionics, flying and VAN's RV-10 airplane build video blog. We build VAN’s RV-10 - four seater airplane manufactured by US company VAN's Aircraft (Aurora, OR). Our build progress video is documented and published on our channel. Disclaimer: We are non-professional airplane builders and this is our first airplane ever! Flying and travel videos, aviation news and stories are also published on this channel. We design and develop our own Experimental Avionics under 360 Avionics brand (www.360avionics.com). If you like what we do, subscribe and like our channel to stay updated on our progress. If you plan to purchase parts/kit from VANs and want to help me promote my channel, please provide them with my builder number at the time of purchase: 42078 Thank you for your support! ========================================================================== #RV10Build #VANsRV10 #buildrv10 #rv-builder #VANsRV #RVbuilder #Buildingairplane #vicxray #360avionics #CanadaRV10 #vansairforce #vansaircraft #experimentalavionics

Видео Building VAN's RV-10 Airplane: Tools for builder автора Brave Beast Battalion
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