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S-A-N-T-A | Christmas Version of B-I-N-G-O! | Super Simple Songs

S-A-N-T-A Lyrics: Red hat, white beard, twinkle in his eye. Santa is his name-o. S-A-N-T-A S-A-N-T-A S-A-N-T-A And Santa is his name-o. Red hat, white beard, twinkle in his eye. Santa is his name-o. *-A-N-T-A *-A-N-T-A *-A-N-T-A And Santa is his name-o. Red hat, white beard, twinkle in his eye. Santa is his name-o. *-*-N-T-A *-*-N-T-A *-*-N-T-A And Santa is his name-o. Red hat, white beard, twinkle in his eye. Santa is his name-o. *-*-*-T-A *-*-*-T-A *-*-*-T-A And Santa is his name-o. Red hat, white beard, twinkle in his eye. Santa is his name-o. *-*-*-*-A *-*-*-*-A *-*-*-*-A And Santa is his name-o. Red hat, white beard, twinkle in his eye. Santa is his name-o. *-*-*-*-* *-*-*-*-* *-*-*-*-* And Santa is his name-o. S-A-N-T-A S-A-N-T-A S-A-N-T-A And Santa is his name-o.

Видео S-A-N-T-A | Christmas Version of B-I-N-G-O! | Super Simple Songs автора English for kids 💜
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