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Tonal | Introducing Smart Flex: A Revolution in Strength Training

Tonal’s patent-pending Smart Flex technology is going to change strength training forever. When training with dumbbells and traditional static weights, the amount of resistance you can lift for each move is limited by the points where your muscles are weakest. Dumbbells and traditional static weights will never know where your body is naturally stronger in a rep, but Tonal does. That’s why training with digital weights and Tonal’s A.I. can get you better results, faster. Smart Flex utilizes Tonal's digital weights system to deliver resistance with precision every millimeter of every rep. Depending on when your muscles are at their strongest and weakest during a move, Smart Flex intelligently matches your strength by continuously adding or subtracting weight. This ensures that your muscles are optimally challenged throughout the entire range of motion of a rep. As a result, you’re lifting more weight, pushing your muscles harder, and getting stronger, faster. Learn more at http://tonal.com Follow us on Instagram: http://instagram.com/tonal

Видео Tonal | Introducing Smart Flex: A Revolution in Strength Training автора Scirocco Sanctuary
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