Semantic communication to semantic-aware networking in next gen systems | AI/ML IN 5G CHALLENGE
Existing communication systems are mainly built based on Shannon’s information theory which deliberately ignores the semantic aspects of communication. The recent iteration of wireless technology, the so-called 5G and beyond, promises to support a plethora of human-oriented services enabled by carefully tailored network capabilities based on contents, requirements, as well as semantics. This sparkled significant interest in semantic communication, a novel paradigm that involves the meaning of message into communication. In this talk, I will first review classic semantic communication frameworks and then summarize key challenges that hinder its popularity. We observe that some semantic communication processes such as semantic detection, knowledge modeling, and coordination can be resource-consuming and inefficient, especially for communication between a single source and a destination. We, therefore, propose a novel architecture for supporting semantic-aware networking. We argue that the semantic-aware networking will have the potential to fulfill the vision of intelligence of everything for the next generation of networking systems. Finally, I will discuss some key challenges and future directions.
Yong Xiao, Professor School of Electronic Information and Communications, Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST)
00:00 Intro
01:59 Panelist intro
03:40 Speaker introduction
15:16 Work
49:45 Q&A
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The AI for Good series is the leading action-oriented, global & inclusive United Nations platform on AI. The Summit is organized all year, always online, in Geneva by the ITU with XPRIZE Foundation in partnership with over 35 sister United Nations agencies, Switzerland and ACM. The goal is to identify practical applications of AI and scale those solutions for global impact.
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Видео Semantic communication to semantic-aware networking in next gen systems | AI/ML IN 5G CHALLENGE автора Университетская жизнь
Видео Semantic communication to semantic-aware networking in next gen systems | AI/ML IN 5G CHALLENGE автора Университетская жизнь
3 ноября 2024 г. 11:20:47
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