Navigating Hierarchy and Feminism: Strategies for Transformative Change | Feminist Learning Series
In a thought-provoking panel discussion held on September 4th, we delved into the complex interplay between hierarchy and feminist principles. The session, moderated by Eva from FAIR SHARE, featured esteemed speakers Hope Chigudu, Aruna Rao, and Maya, who shared their experiences and insights into building intersectional feminist networks and organizations. This session challenged us to explore the tension between hierarchical structures and feminist values, shedding light on the path towards more equitable, accountable, and just systems.
#FeministLeadership, #FeministFutures, #FeministGovernance #FeministLearningSeries #WomensPoliticalLeadership
Видео Navigating Hierarchy and Feminism: Strategies for Transformative Change | Feminist Learning Series автора Elusive Predators
Видео Navigating Hierarchy and Feminism: Strategies for Transformative Change | Feminist Learning Series автора Elusive Predators
10 января 2025 г. 8:38:40
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