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Yellow Bendy Bolt Down Bollard

Yellow Bendy Bolt Down Bollard from Ultra Secure Direct. This simple Bolt Down Steel Bollard has a built in Heavy Duty Spring, which is designed to allow the Bollard to move if touched by a Vehicle, this reduces or prevents damage to the Vehicle and Bollard. It has a H/D Base, measuring 100 (4") x 150 x (6") x 10 (3/8") mm and has 4 x Fixing Holes (13 mm or 1/2" Diameter). It stands 1 metre (39" 3/8") High and has a Diameter 60 mm (2" 3/8"). Available from Ultra Secure Direct, contact details: Tel: 0044 (0) 1604 589414 Email: info@ultrasecuredirect.com Website: www.ultrasecuredirect.com https://www.ultrasecuredirect.com/parking-security-posts/posts-bollards-for-parking-security/yellow-parking-security-posts/bendy-yellow-bolt-down-tall-steel-post-001-3490-p1840.html

Видео Yellow Bendy Bolt Down Bollard автора Обустройство дома: стиль и комфорт для всех.
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