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MANTA'S WARBOX NPC Wars - Kar98K Guns VS M1Garand Guns - AI Battles with Active Ragdoll Physics!

If you like my channel Like 👍 Comment 💬 Share 🔗 Subscribe 🔔 MANTA'S WARBOX NPC Wars - Kar98K Guns VS M1Garand Guns - AI Battles with Active Ragdoll Physics! About this game ➤ Mantas Warbox is a sandbox game that enables players to watch or take part in a warzone. Players will have access to a variety of tools and features that give them access to customize and change the battlefield however they like. Mantas Warbox is still in development, but it is already a very impressive game. It is a great choice for fans of realistic military shooters and sandbox games. Here is a link to the game's Steam page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1550710/Warbox/ My social media platfoms - Facebook group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/619082341514065/ Pinterest - https://www.pinterest.com/GameBoy119 #npcipher #warbox #mantaswarbox

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