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Aman's Reaction to ALan's EVO VIII & Widebody Panda v.3 3000GT VR-4 - MHI EVOIII 16G's on E85+METH

In this interlude of an episode (between many 3/S cars), I take the owner of a '99 VR-4, Aman, for a ride in two of my tuner toys. He had no idea of what to expect, so it was definitely one to capture and share haha - enjoy! PS: The wrap itself was an experiment with many imperfections i.e. "10-footer" lol. I did ZERO prep on the ancient plastidip and used a very inexpensive vinyl compared to my usual 3M 1080/2080. With that said, it serves its purpose for this car's function over form principle.

Видео Aman's Reaction to ALan's EVO VIII & Widebody Panda v.3 3000GT VR-4 - MHI EVOIII 16G's on E85+METH автора Chevrolet Corner
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