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David Adjaye

ADJAYE: In a way, the museum, for him, is about the way in which the African-American community is absolutely integral to understanding the American identity but somehow has been always in the back room. So this is a kind of coming to the front, sitting on the front sort of lawn with all of the other monuments. SHAPIRO: This building does not try to hide or blend in. It doesn't code switch or cover. It speaks of pride. ADJAYE: The silhouette is this triple sort of inverted pyramid form which really goes back to West and Central Africa. And it really is a way of trying to speak to the narrative of where the African-American community originated from. ©NPR http://www.npr.org/2016/09/12/492847793/how-an-architect-used-striking-design-to-capture-new-smithsonian-s-meaning

Видео David Adjaye автора The Dark Side of Stardom
28 июня 2024 г. 16:28:08