Witcher 3 Story and Quest Analysis: Count Reuven's Treasure
Hey everyone, lets dive deep into "Count Reuven's Treasure," a quest that encapsulates the dichotomy of the choices in the Witcher 3. The heart of the quest is not Sigi Reuven, aka Djikstra but Triss Merigold and her subjecting herself to pain by the Church of the Eternal Fire in an attempt to get information about Dandelion and Ciri. This sequence is home to some of the most difficult decisions in the moment BUT the rest of the quest sort of highlights for me how many of the choices don't actually change things. The main narrative is the main narrative, the choices are more about just changing the flavor on the sides. This quest is still home to that quintessential Witcher 3 morally ambiguous storytelling but it becomes apparent here that that storytelling is more linear than some other RPGs.
Time Stamps:
00:00:00 - Introduction
00:01:12 - Choosing to let Triss be Harmed
00:09:30 - Triss Merigold is the Best!
00:13:20 - Gameplay
00:16:34 - Meeting Dijkstra!
Видео Witcher 3 Story and Quest Analysis: Count Reuven's Treasure автора Tech Thursday Showdown Live with Guest
Видео Witcher 3 Story and Quest Analysis: Count Reuven's Treasure автора Tech Thursday Showdown Live with Guest
5 ч. 2 мин. назад
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