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Cool Christmas Gifts for Plant Lovers!

Merry Christmas Plant-Homies (#PLOMIES!)! #LEAFmeacomment I am so excited to share some Cool Christmas Gifts for Plant Lovers that I have collected for my own #PLOMIES! These Cool Christmas Gifts are super affordable, ALL PLANT related, and SO SO CUTE! My hope is for you guys to get inspired and get inspired to gift your Plant Bestie with a super Cool Christmas Gift that you see in this video! Also! Let's stay connected, since I'm always Plant shopping hehe: https://www.instagram.com/sharinatall... **Not a plant expert :) Just learning and having fun like you all!!! I appreciate ALL my new PLOMIES!!! As always, feel free to #Leafmeacomment! I LOVE connecting with you all and appreciate your time and for clicking!! Here are some of the items featured: 1. Brass Watering Can https://www.target.com/p/stainless-steel-watering-can-brass-smith-hawken-153/-/A-51010526 2.Brass & glass plant mister https://www.target.com/p/mister-with-brass-pump-smith-hawken-153/-/A-51394745 3. Urban Jungle (Book) https://www.amazon.com/Urban-Jungle-Living-Styling-Plants-ebook/dp/B06XRHNHS9/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1544673043&sr=8-1&keywords=urban+jungle 4.Leaf Supply https://www.amazon.com/Leaf-Supply-Guide-Keeping-Plants/dp/1925418634/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1544673068&sr=8-2&keywords=leaf+supply 5. Monstera Cut Out Earrings https://foliacollective.com/products/wkndla-earrings?variant=5971362807847 6. Stromanthe Keychain https://foliacollective.com/products/stromanthe-keychain 7. Various Leaf Pins Instagram seller: @artsycraftshop similar: https://www.hemleva.com/journal/2016/6/19/lymsunf1xw12gfc52g6zkxcnx4qu6e 8. Plant Mom Necklace Etsy Seller: BunniesinLA purchased from www.foliacollective.com More Plant Videos! First ever Plant Haul hehe: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OWXg55gUCRE Hoya Plant Haul!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xh7KM1tftWc&t=1s

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