Solar and Lunar, Feminine and Masculine -- Richard Tarnas and Becca Segall Tarnas
Solar and Lunar, Feminine and Masculine
A total Solar eclipse, the exact alignment of the Sun and Moon, has often been described as a cosmic enactment of the sacred marriage, king and queen, ruler of the day and ruler of the night. Many cultures have considered the Solar as symbolizing the masculine, and the Lunar as the feminine. But can we speak of “the feminine” in ways that don’t fall into the trap of a cultural stereotype, and same with “the masculine”? How can we liberate these categories in a way that would do justice to the diverse ways we have of being male and female, and of being human? Perhaps the ancient archetypal symbols of the Sun and Moon can help open up our understanding of the deep mysteries of the feminine and masculine so we can better articulate the great social and psychological transformation of gender roles and identities in our time.
Recorded at the Symbiosis Eclipse Festival August 20th, 2017. Big Summit Prairie, Oregon.
Видео Solar and Lunar, Feminine and Masculine -- Richard Tarnas and Becca Segall Tarnas автора Звездный дождь любви и успеха
Видео Solar and Lunar, Feminine and Masculine -- Richard Tarnas and Becca Segall Tarnas автора Звездный дождь любви и успеха
6 ч. 4 мин. назад
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