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Grand ceremony celebrates 40th anniversary of Liberation of the South and National Reunification

Lễ Kỷ niệm 40 năm Ngày giải phóng miền Nam, thống nhất đất nước Việt Nam (30/4/1975 - 30/4/2015) A grand meeting and parade was held in Ho Chi Minh City on the morning of April 30 to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the Liberation of the South and National Reunification.  The meeting was followed by a parade involving the people’s armed forces and masses representing workers, farmers, intellectuals, entrepreneurs and social organisations including the Vietnam Fatherland Front, the War Veterans’ Association, the Vietnam Women’s Union, and the Youth Union.

Видео Grand ceremony celebrates 40th anniversary of Liberation of the South and National Reunification автора Kính thiên - 敬天 - Honour nature and life
12 мая 2024 г. 18:16:41