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Foundation & Principles of LAW, Nature Juris Prudence

There have been Imposters in the seats of government in regards to the American land estate. The United States has not taken over anything, as the United States is a Metaphor of the people (as in we the people) for the purpose of interfacing with the United States of America and any other citizens / subjects of the Ancestral estate and government, which are the people - the true Al Moroccans (A-mericans). This is why the United States has NO inherent sovereignty. Therefore, those who were managing the interest and given by Trust of the people to do so, are bankrupt. If they are a state government, they exist with a derived authority, which is the LAW OF THIS LAND. However, we find now that they are corporations feigning as governments and it is a tried and true fact that they are NOT GOVERNMENT!!! Governments don't deny the people's rights / liberties. All of these occurences are a prophetic call to truth, that cannot be denied and is a wake-up call for those who are in fact the aboriginal and indigenous lineal descendants tied by birthright (jus sanguine), to the ancestral land estate, for them to take their place amongst the affairs of man. The foreigners, modern Europeans Father - the Pope, is a Vicar, meaning a substitute God and has come to the political platform and informed or reminded those who were entrusted that they are but descendants of immigrants. He has abandoned them in their efforts to supplant themselves and be that of which they are not in someone else's homeland. They are not the aboriginal and indigenous people of the land They are american citizens / subjects of various and certain ranks and ANY corporation they have established, or will establish, is but a subject and not of flesh nor blood, therefore are clipped in efforts to make a dummy come alive, be alive or dictate to the real, in which they have no parity. Their names represent sales territories of companies, charters, corporations and not of the land!! The land is not abandoned and never was it for sale, as it cannot be bought, sold, nor transferrred, it is an ancestral estate. ( Wake up you sleepy headed Moors, and take your place amongst the affairs of man) - NOW!!! Adminstrator’s defined government succinctly. “Governments are corporations”, in as much as every government is an artificial person, an abstraction, a creature of the mind only, a government can deal only with artificial persons. The imaginary, having no reality or substance cannot create or attain parity with the real. Penhallow V. Doane’s. We have been lied to in regards to true American (Amexem) History and World History. The Olmec (Oldwebassets/OlmecZaccharia.jpg Mexico) stone heads were found spread over Mexico across to the Yucatan Penninsula. Mexico itself spreads out over what is known today as California up into Canaaanland, inclusive of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, Utah, Wyoming and Nevada. There is no surprise that those who say they are educated, inclusive of some who refer to themselves as scholarly, are not able to recognize the half that has not been told. They are taught with only a portion of the truth, with truth and falsehood STRANGELY mixed, leaning more towards falsehood the longer they stay in institutions dedicated to same, of which, we trust has now come to pass. Although they may consider themselves educated, they are ‘fools’ right on walking off the cliff without knowing. Not wanting it to be obvious, they jump through hoops to defend their so-called education. No wonder there are all kinds of versions and diversions keeping the family from uniting, as they have but only a small piece of truth. However, we march forth to bring forth the "Uniting of Asia". Asia (Asa) meaning lower realm, and is the 'name' of the entire planet and North, South, Central and the adjoining Islands is 'Asia Major' - not Asia Minor. The aboriginal and indigenous people across the entire planet are the first navigators - Moors, who moored over the land and the sea. Where the water meets the land is called the 'moors, moorlands, wetlands, also marshlands even unto today. F.Y.I.: Those who most think are Asians today, are actually amalgamated / Mongoloids. If one were to do research of ancestors of the lands now called China, Japan, Ireland, or of anywhere on the planet, they would find them to be dark melanated and of various copper tones, including the so-called Eskimos (escaped Moors) in Alaska (Al aqsa ) the far west. — http://rvbeypublications.com/index.html .

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