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BRICSMATH 2020 | Class 1 | Preparatory Round | Practice Problems | BRICS | PART 2

BRICS countries include countries Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. Bricsmath.com is an online competition of Mathematics/General reasoning for students of class 1-12 in these countries. The main aim of this competition is to develop and enhance the interest of the students towards mathematics and improve their logical reasoning skill. In this video we are providing the easy tricks and tips for preparatory round of BRICSMATHS for Grade-I. For more details you can visit the official website of BRICSMATHS i.e. www.bricsmath.com. www.dragonlearn.in

Видео BRICSMATH 2020 | Class 1 | Preparatory Round | Practice Problems | BRICS | PART 2 автора Tricky Trigonometry
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