More FREE Oyster Mushroom Cardboard Spawn
When I decided to try and grow edible mushrooms from wild oyster mushrooms that I found in the yard, I really didn't expect it to work. That's one of the reasons I decided to go cheap on it, using nothing but old cardboard and a couple of ziplock bags.
Well, my wild oyster mushroom experiment has been more successful than I had anticipated! I ended up with quite a bit of mycelial growth on my little cardboard pieces. After some research, I have decided that I would like a larger sample of cardboard spawn to play with before I begin trying to grow any actual mushrooms. This is my attempt at breaking up the original cardboard spawn and using it to make even more.
Once I have enough, I will start looking at my options for a good fruiting substrate for these oyster mushrooms (Pleurotus ostreatus).
Thanks for watching, and I hope to see you next time for more Daily Sustainable Living!
If you missed the first video where I successfully started my cardboard spawn from wild oyster mushrooms that I found in my back yard, be sure to check it out:
Interested in seeing more from the Sustainably Yours Homestead? Check out my blog for posts about all kinds of things, including contests, nature photography, and lots of sciencey stuff!
Music: Grass - Silent Partner
Видео More FREE Oyster Mushroom Cardboard Spawn автора Грибная реклама
Видео More FREE Oyster Mushroom Cardboard Spawn автора Грибная реклама
8 ч. 54 мин. назад
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