sqsl RSVP + Studio Electronics Boomstar SEM
sqsl RSVP with REC-mode send MIDI notes and record audio directly to WAV-files, can be automatically added to playback slots for random playback. In this video iPad is connected to audio interface (not shown) and is sending MIDI through interface to synth. Audio from synth is then routed back to iPad (through interface) and recorded to audio files. At some point, additional folders are added to playback (sounds from Absynth, Lores, etc...).
sqsl RSVP: Random Sample Player
Studio Electronics Boomstar SEM:
Original video:
Видео sqsl RSVP + Studio Electronics Boomstar SEM автора Muz News
Видео sqsl RSVP + Studio Electronics Boomstar SEM автора Muz News
4 ч. 30 мин. назад
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