Comet 12P Pons-Brooks - ZWO Seestar S50 Smart Telescope - Rooster Inn Observatory - 4 February 2024
Rooster Inn Observatory - resides in Bortle 4 country in Upstate New York, and provides LIVE video streaming of astrophotography of sun and moon, stars and planets, galaxies and nebulae, comets and satellites. Six telescopes make up the observatory:
The equipment includes:
1- Celestron Edge HD 11-inch Schmidt Cassegrain Telescope (SCT) on a CGX equatorial mount, with a ZWO ASI183MC camera for planets;
2- Vaonis Stellina Telescope for Deep Space Objects (DSO);
3- Lunt LS50T H-alpha solar telescope, B400 blocking filter, Sky-Watcher AZ-GTi mount, ZWO ASI120MC-S camera;
4- Canon EOS 50D with Rokinon 650-1300mm lens;
5- ZWO Seestar S50 Smart Telescope;
6- DWARF LAB DWARF II Smart Telescope.
German Shepherd+ Primadonna and Belgian Malinois Belladonna guard the Rooster Inn and supply voice-overs.
The theme music at the start and end of videos was composed and performed by the Syracuse University Brass Ensemble under the direction of James T. Spencer.
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Видео Comet 12P Pons-Brooks - ZWO Seestar S50 Smart Telescope - Rooster Inn Observatory - 4 February 2024 автора Звездопадные мечты
Видео Comet 12P Pons-Brooks - ZWO Seestar S50 Smart Telescope - Rooster Inn Observatory - 4 February 2024 автора Звездопадные мечты
9 ч. 19 мин. назад
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