How to deal with extremely difficut Saturn Ketu Conjunction? - Mansi Bhagdeo
Quanto Life is a unique spiritual path, created to empower human beings to meet the specific challenges of today's chaotic world. The concept of QL integrates the essence of modern quantum mechanics with ancient metaphysical wisdom. The most important pillar of Quanto Life is observation.
"Observation is the greatest act of creation", says Shivo, the founder of Quanto Life.
Quanto Life conducts regular seminars online.
And this Channel is the Official Youtube Channel for Quanto Life, INDIA.
Quanto Shivo is the Founder of Quanto Life. Besides, he is also a:
* NLP Certified Practitioner
* Inventor of EMA I.e. Energy Matrix Astrology
* Past Life Regression Therapist
* Motivational Speaker
* B. Tech Engineer by education
* 17 years of industrial experience
He speaks on various topics including Motivation, Inspiration, Self Improvement, Self Hypnosis, Meditation, Deva Magic, Personality Development, Third Eye, Midbrain Activation etc.
Quanto Life
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Видео How to deal with extremely difficut Saturn Ketu Conjunction? - Mansi Bhagdeo автора Sunshine Explorers
Видео How to deal with extremely difficut Saturn Ketu Conjunction? - Mansi Bhagdeo автора Sunshine Explorers
6 ч. 52 мин. назад
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