Is Your Mouth Toxic? - CHTV 189
Every human being has a unique microbiome that is crucial for maintaining our health, for better or for worse. In particular, I believe that many diseases originate from an unhealthy oral microbiome. We've discussed the health impacts of the gut and skin microbiomes in past shows, and this week my dear friend and "dentist to the stars" Dr. Gerry Curatola joins the show to delve into the dangers of an unbalanced oral microbiome, the problems with most toothpaste (even the "natural" ones), the process for safely removing amalgam fillings, safe ways to detox post amalgam removal, and much more.
Notice: Dr. Daniel Pompa is licensed by the Pastoral Medical Association (PMA). For detailed licensing & disclaimer information, visit:
Dr. Pompa has voluntarily relinquished his chiropractic license in the state of Pennsylvania in order to more effectively pursue his dream of world health.
Видео Is Your Mouth Toxic? - CHTV 189 автора Волшебный космический корабль
Видео Is Your Mouth Toxic? - CHTV 189 автора Волшебный космический корабль
8 ч. 48 мин. назад
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