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The Battle for Moscow: The Unknown War, Episode 2

The Unknown War Episode 2: The Battle for Moscow On October 8, 1941, Hitler's propaganda minister, Joseph Goebbels, broadcast from Berlin that Moscow had fallen. Hitler's troops, he said, could see the Kremlin towers from their front lines; another four or five days and the Nazi flag would fly over the Kremlin. The Germans believed these reports, and so did many others - after all, Hitler had conquered western Europe, he had blitzed London. But in an area some 60 miles from the Kremlin, the Nazi blitzkrieg came to an end. In the Moscow suburbs, the Red Army and hundreds of thousands of ordinary men, women and children threw up barriers that the Nazi tanks could not crack. In early December, the Red Army counterattacked. They pushed Hitler's armies as far back as 125 miles from Moscow. It was the first time in the second World War that the mighty Nazi Wehrmacht was halted. By Air Time International and the Internet Archives Publication date 1978-01-01 Topics World War 2, USSR, Nazi Germany, War Footage, Great Patriotic War Language English The Unknown War (Russian: "Великая Отечественная Война" (The Great Patriotic War) or "Неизвестная война" (The Unknown War) is an American documentary television series. The 20-part series documents the World War II conflict between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union. The show was produced and syndicated for international distribution by Air Time International, and the executive producer was Fred Weiner. Each episode is about 48 minutes long, similar in format to The World at War. The footage was edited from over 3.5 million feet of film taken by Soviet camera crews from the first day of the war, 22 June 1941, to the Soviet entry into Berlin in May 1945. Most of these films have never been seen outside this documentary series. The series is hosted by Academy Award Winner Burt Lancaster, who spent three weeks in eight cities in the USSR for location filming. Film footage from Soviet archives comprises a major portion of the series, supplemented by film from both the United States and British archives. Appearing in exclusive interviews would be Russian Commanders like Georgi Zhukov and Vasily Chuikov. Other interviews shot for the series included Soviet Premier Leonid Brezhnev and Averell Harriman, who was U.S. Ambassador to the Soviet Union during WWII. Photo colorization by Pallette: https://palette.fm/ --- Our work is completely viewer supported. Help us continue to bring you more great content by donating at: Subscribe at https://www.AmericanCrimea.site https://boosty.to/americancrimea https://www.donationalerts.com/r/kmichelizzi https://www.buymeacoffee.com/kmichelizzi https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=NBJ9YSGNLHXY6 https://yoomoney.ru/to/4100115724924424 BitCoin: 38Pgn62dFHQC62XoLb2hrhw3cmz3ZTitAQ USDT-BEP20 (BNB Smart Chain): 0xAD2221f3B27A2197B65e2EeDa5e97c32cfe04730 USDT-ERC20 (Etherum): 0xAD2221f3B27A2197B65e2EeDa5e97c32cfe04730 USDT-TRC20: TPJbeTrU5YCN3N8fkX8Y5yyYGYUrbCKnQf Streamed with: https://www.ecamm.com/mac/ecammlive/?fp_ref=kevin55

Видео The Battle for Moscow: The Unknown War, Episode 2 автора AmericanCrimea
19 сентября 2023 г. 14:36:05