Fruit and Bronze
Schukin and Matisse were quite good friends, they were very close to
each other in the early twentieth century. Schukin had the opportunity
to buy works directly in the artist's studio. Morozov, on the contrary,
was cautious, postponing his acquaintance with Matisse for later and .....
then he had to regret it. At the autumn salon in 1908, still traveling with
a small catalog in his hands, he saw a picture "Fruits and Bronze" that he liked incredibly,
but he could not buy it, because there it was already written “belongs
Mr. Shchukin "who managed to buy this painting right from the artist's
easel in the studio. Morozov wrote down the name of the painting, circled
it twice and apparently did not forget this
a picture that he really liked. In a short time, he also met Matissomi, who
knows if this "Fruits and Bronze" still life is very similar in composition, to the previous one,
Morozov asked to create, make it look like a picture that he liked in 1908.
When, in 1810, this still life arrived in Moscow, Morozov did not hide his
admiration and invited the Moscow artist Valentin Seryi to his house to
write a portrait of Ivan Morozov against the background of this picture.
Видео Fruit and Bronze автора ARTGAVRGGG
Видео Fruit and Bronze автора ARTGAVRGGG
23 июля 2019 г. 11:07:37
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