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Akiara Sewing Machine Tutorial - How To Sew a Thread In a Needle with simple step.

Customer Care no.- +918828826420 Email ID - support@akiara.in If you are finding it difficult to sew a thread, follow the steps in the video, it will ease out your task. If you do not have a tool kit box, just click on the sewing kit link below to have one. If you are looking for Handy Sewing Kit, Click the link below : https://www.amazon.in/sewing-Kit/dp/B08RDYC794 Check out more products : Handy Sewing Machine https://www.amazon.in/dp/B08T737NC1/keywords=Sewing-Machine Mini Sewing Machine https://www.amazon.in/dp/B08W3GY226/Keywords=Home-Tailoring-Machine Check out our all products store - https://www.amazon.in/akiara-makeslifeeasy You can contact us on the following number if you are still finding it difficult to rectify the issue by yourself. Our #customersupport will help you with your queries. Email: info@akiara.in Call us: 771-89-54565 We attend calls on said number only during our working Hours: Mon to Friday: 10 am to 5 pm. You can still drop us an email, we will address your queries as soon as possible.

Видео Akiara Sewing Machine Tutorial - How To Sew a Thread In a Needle with simple step. автора Mercedes Benz Mystery Solving Squad
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