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Final Fantasy XV [PS4] Commentary #090, Reunion and Recovery; Ch. 14 Start: World of Ruin

This is video #090 in my playthrough of Final Fantasy XV on the PlayStation 4. This video contains commentary. To view the non-commentary version, click here: https://youtu.be/8xQ4NRhcAQM Final Fantasy XV [PS4] (No Commentary) Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIZ8kn0xML26ohhcscoSy_PeQMFump8Yj Final Fantasy XV [PS4] (Commentary) Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIZ8kn0xML24NtKSUyLYC2h5Q_pkj4eD9 Previously, as Noctis continued exploring Zegnautus for the story quest "Zegnautus Keep", he finally reunited with Gladiolus and Ignis. Now, in the quest "Reunion and Recovery", the party must continue their search for Prompto and try to restore Noctis's powers. The party resumes at the Dormitorium Mercenariorum near where they reunited. Northeast of the dormitorium, they come across a security room. They hit a lock control switch on a panel in the southeast of the room (time 1:54). This opens the door to the south. In an office north of the security room, they find a Hi-Potion in the southeast (time 2:15). They also find a Muscle Stimulant in the northwest (time 2:25). In the northern meeting room, they find a Bulletproof Suit in the northwest (time 2:42). On the northern side of the meeting table around the hologram display, they find the datalog entry "Research Log: M.E. 747-I-14th" (time 2:52). In a side room south and east from the security room, they find a Shattered Timepiece (time 4:01). They also find a Muscle Stimulant (time 4:08). Farther south is a cell block. One of the western cells contains a Flesh Fortifier (time 4:49). In the eastern hall, they find an Old Book (time 5:18). As they enter the southernmost cell, a scene takes place (time 6:02). At long last, the party reunites with their lost friend. Now, the party must look for the device sealing Noctis's powers. They backtrack past the security station and dormitory. As they pass the dormitory, Ignis has something informative to say (time 8:02). A scene occurs as they reach the sealed circular room (time 8:32). A revelation is made about one of them as he opens the door. The sealed room could be the emperor's throne room. Behind the throne, they find an Imperial Medal of Honor (time 11:01). Behind the eastern bank of controls, they find a Megalixir (time 11:12). The party examines the Wallbreaker Apparatus along the west wall (time 11:25). Noctis shuts it down rather permanently. Fortunately, this restores his powers, and he regains access to Umbra at rest locations. Now, the party must head to the hangar. First, be sure to set up Noctis's set of arms. A large group of enemies attacks as the party leaves the throne room (time 12:48). The Ring's powers, while not necessary, are still useful. Enemies will attack on the way to the security room. With Prompto along, the party can now take the level 7 door east from the security room. In the room to the east and south, the party finds a Rare Coin in the southeast corner (time 16:21). There are deposits for all three elements, and there are two Venditio vending machines: one for items, one for arms. Southeast from the supply room, they find the Foras again (time 17:54). Its identity is revealed. The party can now defeat it, along with its Alberich allies. South from this room, the party finds the last Dormitorium Mercenariorum in Zegnautus (time 19:56). The party rests and saves here. Saving is a very good idea. To the east, the party takes an elevator (time 21:13). It transports them to the hangar area, where Noctis was before. A scene takes place as they go east (time 21:44). Ravus, now daemonized, draws near! Ravus hits hard. There are plenty of point-warp spots that Noctis can use to set up warp-strikes. A scene takes plate after Ravus is defeated (time 25:47). Rest in peace, High Commander. Afterwards, hordes of daemons attack the party. After a short time, Noctis must go alone to the central elevator (time 27:25). Then, the hangar gate will close, and Noctis will have 90 seconds to escape the hangar. I'm sure Noctis would pay good money for Ardyn to shut up. Before long, Noctis escapes the hangar (time 28:18). In the central shaft, he finally rides the central elevator (time 28:56). He arrives at the top level of the fortress (time 29:27). Down the long corridor to the east, he finally finds the Crystal chamber (time 29:58). "Reunion and Recovery" complete! Noctis earns a base of 5,000 EXP. Noctis approaches the Crystal (time 30:22). Unfortunately, his request for help is not carried out in quite the way he hoped. Ardyn reveals his proper name and origin. Another scene takes place within the Crystal (time 33:37). Noctis meets another of the Six. Bahamut will provide a great deal of information. However, Noctis also learns some very unwelcome information regarding what he must do. The description is continued in the comments.

Видео Final Fantasy XV [PS4] Commentary #090, Reunion and Recovery; Ch. 14 Start: World of Ruin автора Путешествия во времени и параллельных реальностях
16 мая 2024 г. 7:49:17