Atecpool Serene Heat Pump
ATECPOOL Serene Inverter Heat Pumps offer
maximum return on your money and extend the
swimming pool season more than any other heat
pump with best COP. ATECPOOL Heat Pumps are
fully tested and certified and listed as ECO friendly, ,
high Energy Efficient with COP upto 15.
ATECPOOL Heat Pumps are manufactured
to offer the highest international quality with
an advanced design achieving the credit of
becoming the most silent heat pump in the market
and invulnerable to harsh climatic conditions.
ATECPOOL Heat Pumps use only refrigerants with
low ecological impact like R32 Gas.
ATECPOOL Air Dehumidifier for pool room installation,
wall mounted models for humidity controls in indoor
swimming pools. Extremely silent operation [44-46
dB(A)] at high energy saving with R32 compress
Видео Atecpool Serene Heat Pump автора Lovey-Dovey Tech Websites
Видео Atecpool Serene Heat Pump автора Lovey-Dovey Tech Websites
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