Added Aghanim's Scepter. Grants new active ability - Hunter's Boomerang. Tosses a boomerang in an arc at the target enemy. Upon contact, it returns to Hoodwink. The boomerang will deal 350 damage as it passes through or hits enemies, and apply a Hunter's Mark that causes affected enemies to be slowed by 20% and take 25% more spell damage and have 25% reduced status resistance for 7 seconds. Cooldown: 18. Manacost: 125
Added Aghanim's Shard. Grants new active ability - Decoy. Hoodwink sends a decoy illusion with Scurry to the target location. When the illusion is attacked or hit by a targeted ability, it is destroyed and plants a tree in its place that applies a lesser Bushwhack to enemy heroes around it. The Illusion lasts 12 seconds. Cooldown: 60. Manacost: 50
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Видео HOODWINK - AGHANIM'S AND SHARDS - Dota 2 (Patch 7.29) автора Экшен-Ресторан
Видео HOODWINK - AGHANIM'S AND SHARDS - Dota 2 (Patch 7.29) автора Экшен-Ресторан
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